I thought I'd share a little of my nursery scheming so far....
These are some materials I'm looking at for the bedding, mainly the bumper pads, crib blanket, crib skirt, and curtains...

These two are my accents. The solid coral will be used for the bottom of the curtains and probably a couple of pillows for Karlie's crib. The floral print will be used for the wall canvases and one rocker pillow, hopefully in the shape of the letter "K".
These are some bedding inspirations...thoughts??

This is what I'm looking at doing for the curtains, with the solid coral material on the bottom.
This wall mural is what I'm planning for JP to paint over a chair rail above the changing table. Instead of dark brown, it will be painted in white.
Lastly, these will hang on the wall over her crib. I want to wrap the floral material around cork or a canvas, paint the letters on a smaller canvas (giving it a 3D look), and putting each one in a black frame.